The Complete Guide to Microblading Healing: What to Expect

What is microblading healing?

After getting microblading done, the healing process is crucial to achieving the desired results. During the healing phase, your eyebrows will go through different stages, such as flaking, peeling, and fading of color. It is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your microblading artist to ensure proper healing and to maintain the color and shape of your new eyebrows. Avoid picking or scratching the treated area as this can result in pigment loss, uneven color, or scarring. Keep your eyebrows clean for the first two weeks after the procedure to prevent infections. Avoid activities that can cause sweating, such as intense workouts, as sweat can interfere with the healing of the pigment. Remember, the healing time can vary for each individual, so be patient and allow your eyebrows to heal naturally to achieve the best results.

How does the healing process work?

When you get microblading done, your eyebrows will look darker at first, but this is normal. Over the next 7 to 14 days, the color will fade about 30% to 50%. Scabbing and flaking may occur during this time as well. It's essential to keep your eyebrows clean for the first 10 days to allow the color to set properly. Avoid sweating, swimming, and direct sunlight because these can affect the healing process. Remember, everyone heals differently, so your experience may vary.

The stages of microblading healing

During the healing process of microblading, it is common to experience different stages.

  • Immediate Healing: In the first few days, your eyebrows will appear darker and thicker.

  • Flaking: Around days 5-10, the treated area will start to flake as the skin heals.

  • Itching and Scabbing: Itching and scabbing are normal during the second week.

  • Final Result: It may take up to 4-6 weeks for the full healed result to be visible.

Day-by-day guide to healing

During the first few days after the microblading procedure, it is normal for your eyebrows to appear darker and bolder than expected. A scab will form, but avoid picking at it to prevent pigment loss. Days 4-7 are crucial as the scab will start to peel, revealing the lighter, healed brows underneath. It's vital during this period to keep your eyebrows clean and moisturized to ensure proper healing. By days 10-14, the color will have settled to its permanent shade, completing the healing process.

Common concerns during the healing period

It's normal to experience some itching and slight scabbing during the microblading healing process. Avoid picking or scratching your eyebrows to prevent pigment displacement. Your eyebrows may appear darker at first, but this is part of the healing process. Keep them dry and clean to avoid infections. Remember that each person's healing process is individual, so the appearance of your brows during healing may differ from others.

Tips for faster healing

To speed up the healing process after microblading, follow these tips:

  • Avoid touching or picking at the treated area to prevent infection.

  • Refrain from applying makeup or skincare products on the eyebrows to allow them to heal properly.

  • Keep the area clean and dry during the initial healing period to avoid complications.

  • Avoid direct sunlight, saunas, pools, and excessive sweating as these can negatively impact the healing process.

  • Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your microblading technician carefully for the best results.

Activities to avoid during the healing process

During the healing process of your microblading treatment, it's important to avoid certain activities to ensure the best results. Here are the activities to steer clear of:

  1. Do not scratch or pick at the scabbing as it can affect the healing and final outcome.

  2. Stay away from saunas, steam rooms, and swimming pools as excessive moisture can interfere with the healing process.

  3. Avoid intense workouts and activities that cause excessive sweating as sweat can disrupt the pigment settling.

  4. Refrain from using makeup or skincare products on the treated area to prevent irritation and infection.

By following these guidelines, you can promote proper healing and achieve the best results from your microblading treatment.

Dos and don'ts after microblading

After getting microblading, it's essential to follow some dos and don'ts for proper healing. Do keep your eyebrows clean for the first 10 days after the procedure to help the pigment settle. Don't scratch or pick at your eyebrows during the healing process as this can affect the outcome. Additionally, do avoid sweating and direct sunlight on your eyebrows to prevent color fading. Don't use makeup or skincare products on the treated area until it has fully healed to prevent infections. Care for your eyebrows as instructed by your technician to ensure the best results.

Follow-up care and maintenance

After getting microblading done, it's crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician. This includes avoiding moisture, sun exposure, and vigorous exercise during the healing process, which typically takes about 4 to 6 weeks. Touch-up sessions may be necessary to fill in any fading that occurs during healing. Following proper maintenance, like applying a protective balm and avoiding exfoliants on the treated area, will help your microbladed eyebrows last longer and look their best.

Final results and managing expectations

After your microblading treatment, the initial results may appear darker and more dramatic than expected. Don't worry; this is normal. Over the next few weeks, the color will fade by about 30% to 50%, and your eyebrows may experience some flaking as part of the healing process. Full healing typically takes about four to six weeks. To manage your expectations, remember that everyone's skin heals differently, and the final results may vary based on factors like skin type, aftercare, and the technician's technique. Be patient and follow your aftercare instructions carefully for the best outcome.


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